Der amerikanische Freund. Wim Wenders |
How far from reality can the landscape design tools that we work with be? The gradual withdrawal from landscape as a place to landscape as a piece of paper or a computer screen must be questioned, not only in terms of its conceptual shortcomings but also in terms of the very landscape that result. The finest discourse in plans, whether layered or simple, cannot hide this inherent absence of site. Beautiful landscapes existed many centuries before cartography was even invented or perfected. These much older landscapes were built and thought out directly on the terrain over years. In the absence of a plan, vision became the guiding force of the project. Techniques such as onsite geometry and measurement, hydrology, construction and horticulture supplied the necessary support for the site-specific vision at hand. The central question today is whether we are even capable of returning to a site-induced vision. Working on a history of plans is not the same as working on a vision of the land. We need to reconsider the primacy of vision over plan, a vision in motion, far removed from the established canons, capable of reflecting and inflecting upon the complex urban realm."
Vision in Motion: Representing Landscape in Time. Christophe Girot